
Tiananmen Square protests

The 1989 Tiananmen Crackdown Was Not Inevitable

The 1989 Tiananmen Crackdown Was Not Inevitable

By David Skidmore
In retrospect, the end of China's 1989 protest movement seems preordained. It was anything but.
Damnatio Memoriae in China: Zhao Ziyang Is Laid to Rest

Damnatio Memoriae in China: Zhao Ziyang Is Laid to Rest

By Bonnie Girard
Zhao was written out of Chinese history for showing sympathy to the Tiananmen protesters. The indignity continued even after his death.

In Taiwan, the Tiananmen Tragedy Has a Special Resonance

In Taiwan, the Tiananmen Tragedy Has a Special Resonance

By John Liu
For Taiwan, June 4, 1989 recalls both their own oppressed past and the resistance against China’s ongoing oppression.

Tiananmen 1989: Lessons for Today

Tiananmen 1989: Lessons for Today

By Christopher Bodeen and Johnson Lai
Tiananmen veterans look back on the movement’s relevance in 21st century China.

From Tiananmen to Today: The State of Chinese Activism

From Tiananmen to Today: The State of Chinese Activism

By Emile Dirks
30 years after Tiananmen, activism in China continues, though by necessity it has taken different forms.
The Cold Reality of Tiananmen at 30

The Cold Reality of Tiananmen at 30

By Christopher K. Colley
The world may care about the anniversary on June 4, but the Chinese public has moved on.

30 Years After Tiananmen: Hong Kong Remembers

30 Years After Tiananmen: Hong Kong Remembers

By Benny Tai
An organizer of the 2014 Occupy Central protest explains how Hong Kong keeps the spirit of Chinese democracy alive.
Why China's Political Reforms Failed

Why China's Political Reforms Failed

By Wu Wei
June 4,1989 ended China's political reform movement, but the stage was set for the reformers' downfall long before.

Remembering Hu Yaobang, China's Reformer

Remembering Hu Yaobang, China's Reformer

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, analysis of China's urbanization plan and Captain America in China. Friday China links.

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