
Timor-Leste oil dependency

How Timor-Leste Escaped the Political ‘Resource Curse’

How Timor-Leste Escaped the Political ‘Resource Curse’

By Moritz Schmoll and Geoffrey Swenson
Asia's youngest nation has shown that resource wealth does not necessarily impede the development of a stable democracy.

Timor-Leste Is Facing a Make-or-Break Moment

Timor-Leste Is Facing a Make-or-Break Moment

By Avelino Dos Santos Da Costa
Diversifying the economy, which is massively dependent on oil and gas, is the biggest task facing Timor-Leste. The time is now, and every second counts.
Why is Timor-Leste Still Unable to Diversify its Economy?

Why is Timor-Leste Still Unable to Diversify its Economy?

By Joao da Cruz Cardoso
Many changes are necessary if the country is to break the shackles of oil dependency and build a more diverse and sustainable economy.

Rethinking Timor-Leste’s COVID-19 State of Emergency

Rethinking Timor-Leste’s COVID-19 State of Emergency

By Li-Li Chen
Is the country’s coronavirus policy protecting the vulnerable or leaving them behind?

Can Timor-Leste Achieve a Balanced Development?

Can Timor-Leste Achieve a Balanced Development?

By Joao da Cruz Cardoso
The principal idea of development for Timor-Leste should be the wellbeing of the people rather than economic numerical indicators.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Looting of Timor-Leste’s Oil Wealth

The Looting of Timor-Leste’s Oil Wealth

By Bardia Rahmani
Timor-Leste may have fought off two foreign invaders only to have its independence sold off by its own leaders.

Can Timor-Leste Move Away From an Oil-Based Economy?

Can Timor-Leste Move Away From an Oil-Based Economy?

By Joao da Cruz Cardoso
The government knows that it can't rely on oil revenue forever, but making the shift is easier said than done.
Timor-Leste's Corruption Challenge

Timor-Leste's Corruption Challenge

By Jonas Guterres
Addressing corruption will be the key to achieving economic development and cementing democratic principles.

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