Tony Blair

Why Kazakhstan Goes to Court in the United States
By Casey Michel
Kazakhstan, over the past few years, has filed repeated lawsuits with American courts against opposition actors.

Good Riddance? Tony Blair Parts Ways With Kazakstan
By Casey Michel
Blair’s 5-year tenure with Kazakhstan led the former PM to become Astana’s most outspoken defender in the West.

Brexit's Impact on Kazakhstan
By Samuel Ramani
Kazakhstan has especially close ties with Britain. What happens when the U.K. leaves the EU?

Details of Tony Blair's Dealings With Kazakhstan Leaked
By Casey Michel
Leaked documents show Blair and his coterie sold their services to the Kazakhstani government for millions of pounds annually.

Former British Prime Minister Makes Millions Advising Kazakhstan
By Casey Michel
Tony Blair and his wife Cherie have been Astana’s defenders in London for quite some time.

Kazakhstan: Currency Trouble and British Friends
By Casey Michel
The ties between London and Kazakhstan remain firm, but disconcerting to some observers.

Silk Road Reporters: An Independent News Site for Central Asia?
By Casey Michel
Why a new site covering Central Asia might not be all that it seems.

Kazakhstan, Chevron and the Oil Workers’ Plight
By Kirill Kovalenko
A lack of culpability between company and state fuels workers’ rights suppression.

The New Age of Nationalism
By Zachary Keck
The 21st century will be defined by nationalism; not religion or culture.
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