
Did Abe Convince Trump Japan Wasn't a Currency Manipulator?
By Ankit Panda
Shinzo Abe is confident that Trump is on board with Japanese monetary practices.

While Trump and Abe Eye Bilateral Pact, Australia Keeps TPP Alive
By Anthony Fensom
Tokyo and Washington look to take the bilateral track but a slimmed-down TPP may still live on.

What Trump’s TPP Withdrawal Means for US Asia Policy
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the significance and implications of the move.

Can Japan Lead Asia's Economic Order?
By Paul Nadeau
Tokyo can be a champion of the economic order if Abe is prepared to lead.

‘The Mother of All Deals’: Abe Could Gift Trump a Trade Pact
By Anthony Fensom
A bilateral trade deal between the U.S. and Japan would leave other would-be TPP members behind.

With TPP's Demise, What Happens to US Intellectual Property Rights Abroad?
By Robert Farley
With TPP set to wither away, U.S. corporations will have to recalculate on intellectual property protections abroad.

Pacific Rim States Can (And Will) Move Forward on Trade Without the US
By Ankit Panda
With TPP's death, China will gladly take on the burdens and benefits of regional economic leadership.

How TPP Can Survive Trump
By Prashanth Parameswaran
It’s too early to declare the agreement dead, and countries are already weighing alternatives.

Trump Election Kills TPP
By Catherine Putz
President-elect Donald Trump promises to roll back free trade, starting with aborting TPP and killing NAFTA.