
trans-Caspian pipeline

Tokayev Looks to Caspian to Diversify Oil Export Routes

Tokayev Looks to Caspian to Diversify Oil Export Routes

By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan is again looking to the potential of a Trans-Caspian pipeline, but do plans to diversify oil export routes just hitch the Kazakh economy further to a doomed fossil fuel industry?

Settling the Caspian Issue and Realizing the Trans-Caspian Energy Corridor

Settling the Caspian Issue and Realizing the Trans-Caspian Energy Corridor

By Fabio Indeo
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan’s aims to diversify their energy export markets got a boost recently.
No, Europe Won't Get Turkmen Gas by 2019

No, Europe Won't Get Turkmen Gas by 2019

By Casey Michel
Turkmenistan’s no closer to seeing its gas reach the European markets it once envisioned.

Chatter Surrounds Turkmenistan’s Gas Export Plans

Chatter Surrounds Turkmenistan’s Gas Export Plans

By Casey Michel
Ashgabat aims to quadruple its gas exports to 180bcm annually by 2030.

Turkmenistan Completes East-West Pipeline: What's Next?

Turkmenistan Completes East-West Pipeline: What's Next?

By Catherine Putz
The pipeline’s history is a telling indicator of changing geopolitical winds.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What Azerbaijan and Central Asia Have in Common

By Casey Michel
Shared styles of government and pipeline interests bridge the Caspian, bringing Azerbaijan and Central Asia together.

Caspian Agreement: Rare Good News for Central Asia Relations

Caspian Agreement: Rare Good News for Central Asia Relations

By Casey Michel
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan agree on a maritime border, and raise the chances of a Trans-Caspian Pipeline.
Europe Could Be Getting Turkmen Gas By 2020

Europe Could Be Getting Turkmen Gas By 2020

By Catherine Putz
Turkmenistan and Europe are keen to get the gas flowing, but it could just be a pipe dream.

Russia and Iran Lock NATO Out of Caspian Sea

Russia and Iran Lock NATO Out of Caspian Sea

By Jacopo Dettoni
A summit earlier this week achieves consensus on the inadmissibility of a foreign military presence in the sea.

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