Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

TPP: A Step Forward in Multilateral Cooperation
By Valbona Zeneli
The Trans-Pacific Partnership could be a building block for future multilateral cooperation.

U.S. Should Not Neglect Europe in China Policy
By Anthony Chang
Europe still has an important role to play in Washington's policy for East Asia.

Free Trade Agreements: Not As Free As You Think
By Ji Xianbai
There is no free trade with or between major trading partners.

A Menu for India’s Foreign Economic Engagements
By Ram Upendra Das
India has several paths it can take toward regional free trade integration.

India’s Trade Policy Options
By Ritesh Kumar Singh
As the US pushes the TPP and TTIP, India needs to do a better job choosing its trade deals.

Ukraine and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
By Zachary Keck
The Obama administration should use the Ukraine crisis to get Trade Promotion Authority from Congress.

India Needs a Renaissance
As free trade bloc negotiations advance, India is in danger of being left behind.
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