Transitional justice in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Keeps Its Domestic Political Rift From Spilling Into UN Rights Meeting
By Krishan Francis
The Sirisena-Wickremesinghe rivalry extends to different approaches to UN pressure on transitional justice issues.

Exposing Sri Lanka’s Special Task Force
By Taylor Dibbert
Security sector reform cannot come soon enough.

Sri Lanka Isn't Serious About Transitional Justice
By Taylor Dibbert
We don't need more time to ponder Colombo's sincerity.

Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka: From Denial to Delay
By Yashasvi Nain
The government of Sri Lanka has overpromised and underdelivered when it comes to transitional justice.

Sri Lanka’s Transition to Nowhere
By Alan Keenan
Time may be running out for meaningful reforms, and transitional justice remains just out of reach.

Sri Lanka: The Rajapaksas Rise Again
By SinhaRaja Tammita-Delgoda
Disillusionment with the Sirisena regime is running high, giving the Rajapaksa clan a chance to reclaim lost glory.

Understanding Sri Lanka, Two Years After Sirisena Defeated Rajapaksa
By Ankit Panda
Taylor Dibbert and Ankit Panda discuss Sri Lanka's domestic politics and foreign policy.
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