
Trump administration

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US China Envoy Likely to See Responsibilities Grow Asia-Wide

US China Envoy Likely to See Responsibilities Grow Asia-Wide

By Harry Krejsa
With a number of staffing holes in the administration, Terry Branstad may face a broader portfolio than he expected.
China, Russia, and the Long ‘Unipolar Moment’ Revisited

China, Russia, and the Long ‘Unipolar Moment’ Revisited

By Nathan A. Sears
A year later, does the argument of reinforced U.S. hegemony hold up?

Resolved: North Korea Needs More Resolve

Resolved: North Korea Needs More Resolve

By Robert Farley
The politics of credibility are complex and ephemeral.

US Bomber Receives Chinese Warning Over East China Sea Skies

US Bomber Receives Chinese Warning Over East China Sea Skies

By Ankit Panda
A U.S. B-1B Lancer was warned after entering China's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea.

TPP Signatories to Meet in Chile to Explore the Future of the Agreement

TPP Signatories to Meet in Chile to Explore the Future of the Agreement

By Ankit Panda
The meeting will be the first high-level summit between the 12 countries since the U.S. withdrawal from the agreement.
No, Let’s Not Invade North Korea

No, Let’s Not Invade North Korea

By Bonnie Kristian
A new North Korea policy is wanted, but that isn’t it.

How Trump's 'Historic' Defense Spending Proposal Could Affect Asia

How Trump's 'Historic' Defense Spending Proposal Could Affect Asia

By Ankit Panda
The Trump White House has big league plans for the U.S. military.
After Trump-Xi Call, US-China Interactions Expand, But Direction Remains Unclear

After Trump-Xi Call, US-China Interactions Expand, But Direction Remains Unclear

By Ankit Panda
Trump's affirmation of the United States' 'one China' policy has allowed for more high-level U.S.-China activity.

How Will Trump Handle Intellectual Property Disputes With China?

How Will Trump Handle Intellectual Property Disputes With China?

By Robert Farley
The Trump administration will face unique challenges in reining in intellectual property abuses by China.

US, Chinese Military Aircraft See Close Encounter Over South China Sea

US, Chinese Military Aircraft See Close Encounter Over South China Sea

By Ankit Panda
The incident reportedly took place in airspace near Scarborough Shoal.

Steve Bannon on Trump's NSC Should Concern US Allies and Partners in Asia

Steve Bannon on Trump's NSC Should Concern US Allies and Partners in Asia

By Ankit Panda
Elevating Steve Bannon to the National Security Council suggests "America First" is here to stay.
What's All the Buzz About Missile Defense, Anyway?

What's All the Buzz About Missile Defense, Anyway?

By Robert Farley
The political landscape for missile defense will likely shift under the Trump administration. How will that play out?

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