Trump foreign policy
Is It Finally Time for a US-India Free Trade Agreement?
By Raymond E. Vickery, Jr.
For too long, ambitions for the U.S.-India economic relationship have not matched the soaring strategic rhetoric.
Chinese Foreign Aid in East Asia During the Trump Era
By Li Jie Sheng
Can China finally surpass the United States as the top aid donor in East Asia?
Why China Won't Be Glad to See US-Pakistan Relations Take a Nosedive in 2018
By Ankit Panda
China sees more of a challenge than an opportunity in the ongoing U.S.-Pakistan tiff.
Deciphering U.S. Foreign Policy in the Trump Era
By Roncevert Ganan Almond
A narrative of power, without persuasion
Will Trump's Lash-Out Against Pakistan Succeed Where Other US Presidents Failed?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Is Donald Trump the U.S. president to get Pakistan to do the United States' bidding? Probably not.
The Times They Are A-Changin’: Trump's Important Risk-Taking With Pakistan
By Harsh V. Pant
Will Trump succeed where previous U.S. presidents have failed?
How Can India Leverage the Trump National Security Strategy?
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
The Trump National Security Strategy document flatters India, but how can New Delhi reap the benefits from the United States?
Don't Look to Trump's National Security Strategy for Hints on Where US Asia Policy Is Headed
By Ankit Panda
It does appear, though, that there's a path of confrontation ahead for the United States and China.
Trump Administration Nominates Experienced Diplomat for Top Asia Spot at US State Department
By Ankit Panda
Susan Thornton, an experienced career diplomat, may become the United States' top Asia diplomat.
Trump's Trip to China: Poor Optics and Missed Opportunities
By Ankit Panda
Trump's visit merely papered over the cracks of the huge issues dividing the two superpowers.
Muddling on With Pyongyang: Trump's South Korea Trip and a Return to Equilibrium
By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration makes North Korea an old and stale offer — that'll do for now.
Tracking Trump's First Trip to Asia, Part 1: Japan and South Korea
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
How did Trump's first-ever presidential trip to U.S. allies Japan and South Korea go?