Trump trade policy

Upping the Ante in the US-China Trade War
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Nien Su.

Why the US-China Trade Negotiations Are Stuck
By Bonnie Girard
The problem centers on the most mistranslated word in the Chinese language: guanxi.

US-China Trade Talks: High Risk, High Stakes
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from James Green.

US Moves Toward Tariff Hikes on Another $300 Billion in Chinese Goods
By Joe McDonald
The trade war truce is officially dead, despite continuing negotiations toward an elusive deal.

US Trade Tantrum: The Fallout for China and Asia
By Anthony Fensom
Trump just hiked U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods yet again. What does that mean for Asian economies?

US-Japan Trade Agreement Negotiations: Why Now?
By Yuma Osaki
Japan is ready to give Trump a signature economic win. Here's why.

How the US Can Win Its Trade War With China
By Arjun Kapur
History provides the blueprint for a winning deal.

Was the Korea-US FTA Really a ‘Horrible Deal?’
By Troy Stangarone
A look at the trade data for 2018 suggests the original deal may have actually been working after all.

After Latest US-China Talks, Where Does the Trade Truce Stand?
By Shannon Tiezzi
China doesn't seem to be offering much more than it already has. Will that be enough for Trump?

Trump's No-Lose Trade War Fantasy
By Shannon Tiezzi
Based on recent interviews, the U.S. president believes his tariffs have no downside. That should worry China.

3 Reasons Why Trump Can't Win a Trade War With China
By Fatih Oktay
To have a chance of winning, the Trump administration needs to get the rest of the world on its side.

Trump Has No Intention of Making a Trade Deal With China
By Kyle M. Griffin
Overwhelming bipartisan support means the president has strong incentives to maintain a protracted trade war.