
Tsai China policy

Tsai Ing-wen Must Share the Blame for the Deterioration of Cross-Strait Relations

Tsai Ing-wen Must Share the Blame for the Deterioration of Cross-Strait Relations

By Dennis V. Hickey
Back in 2011, the Obama administration caught flak for leaking its fears about then-candidate Tsai’s cross-strait policy. In retrospect, it was right to be concerned.

China’s Anger Over Pelosi Visit Will Further Alienate Taiwanese

China’s Anger Over Pelosi Visit Will Further Alienate Taiwanese

By Koji Kagotani and Wen-Chin Wu
China’s warnings against the U.S. House Speaker’s trip will induce political backlash in Taiwan, and increase support for hard-line policies against Beijing.
Xi and Tsai’s Dueling Messages on Cross-Strait Relations

Xi and Tsai’s Dueling Messages on Cross-Strait Relations

By Zhenze Huang
How should we understand the “Double Tenth Day” addresses made by the two leaders?

The Coronavirus Outbreak Presents an Opportunity for Cross-Strait Rapprochement

The Coronavirus Outbreak Presents an Opportunity for Cross-Strait Rapprochement

By Jo Kim
Taipei and Beijing could both extend olive branches in the name of a public health emergency that would otherwise be politically infeasible.

Taiwan’s KMT Will Choose Its Candidate to Challenge a Resurgent President Tsai

Taiwan’s KMT Will Choose Its Candidate to Challenge a Resurgent President Tsai

By Nick Aspinwall
KMT contenders struggle to pull away from each other as political momentum shifts back to the ruling DPP.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Taiwan’s Ruling Party Is Getting Tough on China Ahead of 2020 Elections

Taiwan’s Ruling Party Is Getting Tough on China Ahead of 2020 Elections

By Nick Aspinwall
DPP legislators have prioritized a flurry of new measures aimed to clamp down on cross-strait engagement between Taiwan and China.

Is This the End of the ‘1992 Consensus’?

Is This the End of the ‘1992 Consensus’?

By Gary Sands
Tsai Ing-wen is promoting her alternative 'Taiwan consensus,' but the KMT remains committed to the 1992 consensus.
Was It Wise for Tsai Ing-wen to Reject the ‘1992 Consensus’ Publicly?

Was It Wise for Tsai Ing-wen to Reject the ‘1992 Consensus’ Publicly?

By Charlotte Gao
Taipei has to face the fact that it does not have much leverage to resist Beijing’s pressure now.

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