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Pakistan's Shaheen-III Ballistic Missile May Use Chinese Transporter

Pakistan's Shaheen-III Ballistic Missile May Use Chinese Transporter

By Ankit Panda
Does Pakistan's Shaheen-III ballistic missile use a Chinese transporter?
The Turkish-Russian Rapprochement

The Turkish-Russian Rapprochement

By Catherine Putz
Seven months after the downing of a Russian jet on the Turkey-Syria border, Moscow and Ankara might be moving toward normalization.

The Epic Story of How the Turks Migrated From Central Asia to Turkey

The Epic Story of How the Turks Migrated From Central Asia to Turkey

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
How did modern Anatolia come to be occupied by the Turks? The historical story may surprise you.

Russia's Intervention in Syria and the Kurdish Question

Russia's Intervention in Syria and the Kurdish Question

By Wladimir van Wilgenburg
It is likely that both Russia and the United States will continue to support Syrian Kurds.

Can Kyrgyzstan Be Turkey’s Backdoor to the EEU?

Can Kyrgyzstan Be Turkey’s Backdoor to the EEU?

By Catherine Putz
Russian-Turkish relations remain strained, but Kyrgyzstan sees opportunity.
Kazakhstan Wants in on TAPI

Kazakhstan Wants in on TAPI

By Catherine Putz
Weekend reading: Turkmen, Turks and other Turkmen, and the Tajikistan internet.

Myanmar’s Ethnic Parliamentarians May Be 2016’s ‘Kingmakers’

By Nicholas Borroz and Hunter Marston
Turkey’s experience offers lessons that could guide Myanmar to a more pluralistic future.
1 Suspect Arrested, 2 More Sought in Bangkok Bombing

1 Suspect Arrested, 2 More Sought in Bangkok Bombing

By Shannon Tiezzi
Two of the suspects are foreigners, believed to be Turkish.

Tajikistan, Turkey and the Gülen Movement

Tajikistan, Turkey and the Gülen Movement

By Samantha Brletich
Why the closure of seven charter schools in Tajikistan has regional implications.

Coming to a TV Near You: International Turkic News

Coming to a TV Near You: International Turkic News

By Catherine Putz
Tired of misrepresentation in global media, the Turkic speaking world wants to set up its own international news channel

How Many Tajik ISIS Recruits Were Arrested in Turkey?

How Many Tajik ISIS Recruits Were Arrested in Turkey?

By Catherine Putz
A story about 25 Tajik ISIS recruits seems to have became a story about one Tajik ISIS recruit.
Thailand Deports 100 Uyghurs to China

Thailand Deports 100 Uyghurs to China

By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, Thailand buys three Chinese submarines and protesters gather outside the Thai embassy in Turkey.

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