
Can ‘Digital Tuvalu’ Survive a Cyberattack?
By John Augé
The Pacific Islands are vulnerable to cyberattacks – perhaps none more so than Tuvalu, which aims to become the first digital nation.

Tuvalu’s Water Woes
By John Augé
The new Funafuti Water Supply and Sanitation Project is a critical step toward addressing Tuvalu’s water needs, but that alone won’t be enough.

The Sea Isn’t the Only Thing Rising: Life, Death and Disease in the Pacific
By Ami Bera and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick
Cutting funding to multilateral efforts that confront climate change globally is shortsighted. When we help others, no matter how many miles away, we learn how to help ourselves.

Rising Tides, Rising Solutions: Tuvalu’s Innovative Climate Adaptation Strategies
By John Augé
Ahead of COP28, the world can learn from Tuvalu’s unique approach to the existential threat of climate change.

Australia and Tuvalu: The Complexities of Climate Refuge
By Grant Wyeth
While the new security agreement is built on unfortunate resignation about Tuvalu’s future, serious action on climate change has the ability to arrest its most brutal consequences.

US Pacific Policy Forges Ahead With Successful 2nd Summit
By Patricia O’Brien
Despite domestic political headwinds, Biden’s engagement at the second U.S.-Pacific Islands summit was welcomed, as were newly announced funds, initiatives and an expanding diplomatic footprint.

Strong Showing for the Pacific at Biden’s Summit for Democracy
By Grant Wyeth
The Pacific Islands have not been overlooked by the White House, although the region’s democracies face challenges, too.

UN Secretary-General Pays a Visit to the Blue Pacific
By Grant Wyeth
The Pacific’s “large ocean states” are on the frontlines of climate change, and urging the world to act.

Polynesian Triangulation: Polynesian Leaders’ Group Expands
By Grant Wyeth
New Zealand, Hawaii, and Rapa Nui, the outer points of the triangle, joined the group recently.

Australia to Welcome More Pacific Islanders With New Visa Program
By Grant Wyeth
The new Pacific Labor Scheme will allow 2,000 people from Nauru, Kiribati and Tuvalu to work in parts of Australia for up to three years.

For Pacific Island States, Climate Change Is an Existential Threat
By Grant Wyeth
U.S. withdrawal from the Paris agreement is deeply concerning to leaders in the Pacific.
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