
U.S. arms sales to Taiwan

Delayed US Arms Transfers to Taiwan: Déjà Vu?

Delayed US Arms Transfers to Taiwan: Déjà Vu?

By Jung-Ming Chang and Che-Jen Wang
The situation recalls the early 1950s, when U.S. arms sales to Taiwan were delayed by other priorities. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s need is much greater today.

For Russia, US Aid to Taiwan Is More Concerning Than $61 Billion to Ukraine

For Russia, US Aid to Taiwan Is More Concerning Than $61 Billion to Ukraine

By Oleg Yanovsky
Moscow sees the latest round of military aid to Ukraine as a tactical inconvenience but not a strategic danger. The $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific is the real gamechanger. 
China Considers Counter­measures to US HIMARS Missile System

China Considers Counter­measures to US HIMARS Missile System

By Lyle Goldstein and Nathan Waechter
U.S. strategists have long hypothesized that the weapon could play a major role in a war with China. Now Beijing is watching how it is being used by Ukraine's military.

Are ADIZ Incursions China’s New Response to US Arms Sales to Taiwan?

Are ADIZ Incursions China’s New Response to US Arms Sales to Taiwan?

By Adrian Ang U-Jin
Beijing is reacting to the intensification of U.S. political outreach to Taiwan after Russia’s Ukraine invasion.

The KMT’s Defense Policy: Toward a Symmetric Posture

The KMT’s Defense Policy: Toward a Symmetric Posture

By Dee Wu
Taiwan's opposition party has adopted a very different posture on defense issues than the ruling DPP.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What to Expect From US-Taiwan Relations in 2021 (and Beyond)

What to Expect From US-Taiwan Relations in 2021 (and Beyond)

By Shannon Tiezzi
In an exclusive interview, Taiwan’s Ambassador Hsiao Bi-khim discusses U.S.-Taiwan ties under the Biden administration.

With New Offensive Weapons Package, Trump Administration Goes All-in for Taiwan

With New Offensive Weapons Package, Trump Administration Goes All-in for Taiwan

By Bonnie Girard
The sale of new missile systems stretches the concept of “defensive” weaponry to its limit.
US Approves Sales of Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles to Taiwan

US Approves Sales of Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles to Taiwan

By Steven Stashwick
Truck-mounted Harpoon missiles and other recent sales are aimed at repelling a potential invasion by China.

Is Taiwan Looking to Diversify Its Defense Partnerships? 

Is Taiwan Looking to Diversify Its Defense Partnerships? 

By Eleanor Albert
While the U.S. remains far and away Taiwan's biggest source of arms, other countries could be important partners as well.

Is Taiwan Really Buying the ‘Wrong’ Weapons?

Is Taiwan Really Buying the ‘Wrong’ Weapons?

By Corey Lee Bell
Taiwan’s defense procurement strategy makes a lot more sense when viewed through the lens of the U.S. factor.

Taiwan’s President (and Her Challenger) Thank US for $8 Billion F-16V Sale

Taiwan’s President (and Her Challenger) Thank US for $8 Billion F-16V Sale

By Nick Aspinwall
Tsai Ing-wen thanked the United States for the deal. So did her main presidential challenger, the Beijing-friendly Han Kuo-yu.
Why a US Sale of Fighter Jets to Taiwan Matters

Why a US Sale of Fighter Jets to Taiwan Matters

By John Lee
It wouldn’t change the military balance across the Taiwan Strait, but would signal a shift in U.S. support for Taipei.

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