U.S.-China Competition

What Does China's 'New Asian Security Concept' Mean for the US?
By David C. McCaughrin
A closer look at China's vision for remaking Asian security, and what the United States can do about it.

US-China Relations: The Long View
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy

Educating China's Future Leaders: Local Impact of Global Knowledge
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from John Holden.

The Real Winner if TPP Crumbles: China
By Steven Keithley
The two U.S. presidential nominees are united in their opposition to the trade pact. That's music to Beijing's ears.

The South China Sea Ruling Against China: What's Really at Stake
By Flynt Leverett
The ruling may tempt China into a revolt against the U.S.-led international order.

The Best US Response to the South China Sea Case? Ratify TPP.
By William G. Frasure
Ratifying TPP isn't an adequate response to China's military moves. But it is a necessary one.

Why Southeast Asian Countries Avoid Tilting Too Far Toward the US
By Hunter Marston
Despite more U.S. engagement, Southeast Asian countries are getting better at hedging.

The US-China Power Transition: Stage II
By David Lai
China's assertiveness -- and U.S. hedging -- is a natural part of a power transition. It's also dangerous.

Why the US 'Rebalance to Asia' Is More Important Than Ever
By Tuan N. Pham
The rebalance offers a fleeting strategic opportunity to nudge China toward being a responsible global stakeholder.

FTAs in East Asia: Economic Integration or Economic Spheres of Influence?
By Gordon Gatlin
Are TPP and RCEP doomed to pull the region apart, or can they help push it together?

Is China Winning in the South China Sea?
By Philip Reynolds
What if the U.S. is playing right into China's hands with military maneuvering in the South China Sea?

China Wary as Obama Permits US Arms Sales to Vietnam
By Peter Bittner
The Chinese government had choice words for Obama after his recent trip to Vietnam.