
U.S.-China Relations

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How Should China Use a Biden Window of Opportunity?

How Should China Use a Biden Window of Opportunity?

By Dingding Chen
China should take a more proactive stances on Sino-U.S. relations, rather than waiting for and responding to Biden's China policy.
‘Crazy and Vile’: China Reacts With Fury to US Sanctions on Top Legislators

‘Crazy and Vile’: China Reacts With Fury to US Sanctions on Top Legislators

By Shannon Tiezzi
Washington’s latest Hong Kong sanctions have hit a nerve, but Beijing is also conscious of the Trump administration’s looming expiration date.

After a Humbling Election Experience, Will the US Change Its Tune on China?

After a Humbling Election Experience, Will the US Change Its Tune on China?

By Jin Kai
The 2020 U.S. election undermines Washington’s bid to act as a beacon for the world.

US Targets China’s Quest for ‘Military-Civil Fusion’

US Targets China’s Quest for ‘Military-Civil Fusion’

By Bonnie Girard
A report indicates the U.S. government will seek to deny sales to 89 major Chinese companies with military links.

China Should Follow Its Scholars’ Advice to Biden

China Should Follow Its Scholars’ Advice to Biden

By Denny Roy
Chinese analysts have joined the chorus offering advice for Biden's China policy. Those prescriptions are better applied to Beijing's own behavior.
How Should President-Elect Joe Biden Address the US-China Competition?

How Should President-Elect Joe Biden Address the US-China Competition?

By Dingding Chen
The rivalry is here to stay, but there are 3 things the Biden administration can do to stabilize the critical relationship.

China and the Coming Biden Presidency

China and the Coming Biden Presidency

By Ankit Panda
How will U.S. President-elect Joe Biden manage the U.S.-China relationship?
China Finally Offers Low-Key Congratulations for Biden

China Finally Offers Low-Key Congratulations for Biden

By Shannon Tiezzi
Instead of a statement from President Xi or even the foreign minister, a spokesperson offered the briefest of congratulations.

What Should China’s Biden Policy Look Like?

What Should China’s Biden Policy Look Like?

By Brian Wong
China should seize upon Biden’s victory to renew its approach to the United States.

Biden Must Not Be Tempted by the Mirage of a US-China Reset

Biden Must Not Be Tempted by the Mirage of a US-China Reset

By Valerie Niquet
The temptation of reconciliation will face the stark reality of the CCP's ambitions and behavior.

Why Hasn’t China Congratulated Joe Biden?

Why Hasn’t China Congratulated Joe Biden?

By Shannon Tiezzi
China is keeping its head low for the simple reason that it has nothing to gain by doing anything different.
China’s Influence Operations Hurt Chances for Real Engagement

China’s Influence Operations Hurt Chances for Real Engagement

By Chi Wang
Can any organization, regardless of how transparent they are, fully dispel the doubts caused by the actions of the United Front Work Department?

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