
U.S.-China Relations

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It’s Time to Stop the Chinese Communist Party’s Shadow Campaign for Power at the United Nations

It’s Time to Stop the Chinese Communist Party’s Shadow Campaign for Power at the United Nations

By Michael McCaul
The CCP poses a significant long-term national security and economic threat to the U.S. and our allies.
Why a US-China Détente Is Coming in 2021: The Failure of Trump’s Policy

Why a US-China Détente Is Coming in 2021: The Failure of Trump’s Policy

By Dingding Chen
Trump's policy of suppressing China has not been effective, and the structural contradictions between China and the United States have not yet reached a true tipping point.

Can China Be Compelled Into Arms Control?

Can China Be Compelled Into Arms Control?

By Robert Farley
There is little reason to believe that Chinese leaders will see incentives to enter arms control arrangements anytime soon.

The US Should Not Punish Hong Kong for China’s Sins

The US Should Not Punish Hong Kong for China’s Sins

By Richard Hanania and Benjamin H. Friedman
There is little the United States can do to prevent Beijing from exerting control; Washington should instead do good by the people of Hong Kong.

Will Trump’s Arms Control Dreams for China Come True? Absolutely Not

Will Trump’s Arms Control Dreams for China Come True? Absolutely Not

By Robert Farley
China has no interest in the kind of arms control being discussed by the Trump administration.
US UN Ambassador Pushes Back on Chinese South China Sea Claims

US UN Ambassador Pushes Back on Chinese South China Sea Claims

By Ankit Panda
The note evoked the July 12, 2016, ruling by an international tribunal on maritime entitlements in the South China Sea.

Trump Suggests a G7 Expansion to Include Australia, India, and South Korea. Is That Realistic?

Trump Suggests a G7 Expansion to Include Australia, India, and South Korea. Is That Realistic?

By Ankit Panda
Will the G-7 see expansion?
Trump’s Handling of the US Protests Plays Right Into China’s Hands

Trump’s Handling of the US Protests Plays Right Into China’s Hands

By Shannon Tiezzi
Sending out “heavily armed” forces against angry protesters is exactly what China would do -- and is doing in Hong Kong.

To Compete with China, the US Needs a Better Narrative Than a ‘New Cold War’

To Compete with China, the US Needs a Better Narrative Than a ‘New Cold War’

By Hunter Marston
The story we tell matters because it lays the foundation for competent strategy.

The End of Hong Kong As We Know It

The End of Hong Kong As We Know It

By Ankit Panda
What lies ahead for Hong Kong?

Flashpoints on the Periphery: Understanding China’s Neighborhood Opportunism

Flashpoints on the Periphery: Understanding China’s Neighborhood Opportunism

By Suyash Desai
How is China taking advantage of the pandemic to pursue its foreign policy goals?
Why Are Chinese Stocks Dropping in the US?

Why Are Chinese Stocks Dropping in the US?

By Chutian Zhou
The fraying of U.S.-China relations is having an impact on Chinese companies listed in the U.S.

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