U.S.-China Relations
Ananth Krishnan on India-China Ties in an Era of Superpower Competition
By Ankit Panda
An Indian journalist based in China for 9 years shares his impressions of the two countries's relationship.
China Won’t Join the INF Treaty—But Can It Forever Dodge Arms Control?
By Ankit Panda
China won’t join a multilateralized INF-style treaty, but can it resist arms control?
Don’t Expect a US-China Trade Breakthrough By March 1
By Ankit Panda
Xi knows he can wait until he gets a chance to meet with Trump face-to-face again.
Pompeo Warns European Partners That US May Scale Back Cooperation Over Huawei Concerns
By Matthew Lee
Concerns over Huawei may limit U.S. projects in Europe, the U.S. secretary of state warned.
Trump’s State of The Union: What Wasn’t Said on China Spoke the Loudest
By Bonnie Girard
The U.S. president barely mentioned China in his address before Congress—and that spoke volumes.
Huawei’s Legal Woes and Tech ’Decoupling’ Between China and the West
By Ankit Panda
Huawei is just the beginning in a longer-term decoupling between the West and China.
US-China: A New Consensus for Strategic Competition in Washington
By Satoru Mori
There have been tensions in the past, but this time is different.
Trump’s Missile Defense Review Will Be Read Closely in China
By Ankit Panda
The 2019 U.S. Missile Defense Review will vindicate longstanding anxieties in China and Russia.
The Top 5 Risks for US-China Relations in 2019
By Chen Dingding and Hu Junyang
2019 presents a range of challenge for the world’s most important bilateral relationship.
Assessing the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
What is the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act and what will it do?
China’s Economy Czar to Visit Washington for Trade Talks
By Joe McDonald
Finally, the U.S. and China’s top trade officials will meet for direct talks.
Report: US to Conduct Army Tactical Missile System Test on Okinawa in 2019
By Ankit Panda
The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is likely to be tested in Japan this year.