U.S.-China Relations

Making Sense of Chinese Reactions to the US 2018 Nuclear Posture Review
By Raymond Wang
How is the Trump administration's Nuclear Posture Review perceived in China?

How Can the US Manage a Rising China?
By Robert Farley
The United States needs to rethink how it approaches international order.

In New Era of China-US Ties, Both Countries Must Manage Their Competition
By Dingding Chen
As tensions grow, the United States and China must maneuver to avert conflict.

China's Rise and the Future of Liberal International Order: Asking the Right Questions
By Robert Farley
As China rises, what sort of challenge will it pose to the U.S.-led status quo?

Xi Jinping May Turn to Top Ally to Handle US Pressure
By Don Tse and Larry Ong
Wang Qishan, Xi's right-hand man, may reemerge as vice president after stepping down from his CCP position.

Trump's Nuclear Posture Review and China: No Way Forward?
By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration's Nuclear Posture Review takes an odd approach to China.

Why Is Yang Jiechi Visiting the US Now?
By Charlotte Gao
Yang, who was recently elevated to the Politburo, is famous for his experience in managing U.S.-China relations.

China’s Solar Power Dominance and Trump’s Trade Tariffs
By Samuel Corwin
What are the consequences of the Trump administration’s tariffs on foreign-made solar cells?

Is This The Start of a US-China Trade War?
By Shannon Tiezzi
After the Trump administration levies tariffs on Chinese solar panels, China investigates U.S. sorghum imports.

US Allies Aren’t Buying Its New Strategies to Confront China
By Bates Gill
China presents many challenges, but bluff, bluster, and empty rhetoric will be seen for exactly what it is.

How Would a War Between the US and China End?
By Robert Farley
A new paper examines the contours of war termination in the U.S.-China context.

With an Eye on Great Power Conflict, US Defense Department Releases 2018 National Defense Strategy
By Ankit Panda
First takeaways from the Trump administration's first National Defense Strategy.