
U.S.-China-South Korea triangle

South Korea Can Play a More Active Role in the South China Sea

South Korea Can Play a More Active Role in the South China Sea

By Jihoon Yu
As tensions escalate in contested regional waters, Seoul will have to face difficult questions about its maritime role in the Indo-Pacific.

South Korea’s Enduring Restraint Toward China

South Korea’s Enduring Restraint Toward China

By James Park
Despite much bluster on the campaign trail, President Yoon Suk-yeol's promise to get “tougher on China” has been rhetorical at best.
China, South Korea Foreign Ministers Pledge Deepened Cooperation

China, South Korea Foreign Ministers Pledge Deepened Cooperation

By Shannon Tiezzi
Despite campaign-trail promises to get tough on China, the Yoon administration in practice has been more cautious in its dealings with Beijing.

South Korea’s Relations With China and the US Under President-elect Yoon

South Korea’s Relations With China and the US Under President-elect Yoon

By Niklas Swanström
Can Yoon Suk-yeol have his cake and eat it too when it comes to China policy?

What South Korea Can Learn From India on Diplomatic Balancing

What South Korea Can Learn From India on Diplomatic Balancing

By Jong Eun Lee
India’s diplomacy with Russia and the U.S. holds lessons for Seoul’s China-U.S. balancing act.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What Does South Korea Think of the China-US COVID Blame Game?

What Does South Korea Think of the China-US COVID Blame Game?

By Arpit Raswant and Jiye Kim
South Korean discourses are notably critical of both the Chinese and U.S. positions amid the ongoing pandemic.

How Biden Can Navigate a New Era in South Korean Politics

How Biden Can Navigate a New Era in South Korean Politics

By Brian Kim
The future of U.S.-ROK relations depends on the United States understanding the priorities of South Korea’s now-dominant liberals.
On Hong Kong, South Korea Is Caught Between China and US

On Hong Kong, South Korea Is Caught Between China and US

By Tae-jun Kang
The Hong Kong issue is adding urgency to South Korea’s need for a new balancing strategy between the U.S. and China.

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