U.S. National Defense Strategy

What the US National Defense Industrial Strategy Means for the Indo-Pacific
By Monish Tourangbam
For major stakeholders in the Indo-Pacific, including India, the priorities set out by the NDIS merit close examination.

US Warns North Korea: Nuclear Attack Will End Kim Regime
By Mitch Shin
In the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review, the United States reiterated its firm stance over North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.

Japan Isn’t a Model for US Nation-Building
By Yukari Easton
The successful rebuilding of post-war Japan may have encouraged the U.S. in its attempts at nation-building. But Japan is not a universal model.

China and Russia Pose Different Problems for the US. They Need Different Solutions.
By James Dobbins, Howard J. Shatz, and Ali Wyne
One is a resurgent power focused on economic preeminence; the other a declining power fomenting chaos.

The Trump Administration Says It's In for Great Power Competition With China. What Does That Mean?
By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration can't make up its mind on China.
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