U.S. North Korea policy
North Korea Issues Final Word on the Obama Years, Looking Ahead to Trump
By Ankit Panda
An unusual foreign ministry memo from Pyongyang outlined North Korea's bottom line for any talks with the United States.
Trump’s Unlikely Rise Hints at Shift in US Policy on North Korea
By John Power
Trump's unpredictability extends to his future North Korea policy as well.
South Korea Fears Trump Wild Card on Pyongyang
By Elaine Ramirez
With South Korea beset by scandal and Trump headed to the White House, where does that leave the U.S.-ROK alliance?
A Chinese Perspective on Obama's Asia Policy
By Yuan Xunhui, Zhang Juan, and Shannon Tiezzi
An interview with Zhu Feng.
The 'China Factor' in US North Korea Policy
By 38 North/ John Delury
Evaluating China's likely response to the policies advocated by U.S. hawks, doves, and "boas."
How to Rethink the US’ Failing North Korea Strategy
By Timothy Stafford
One cheer for the Nunn-Mullen taskforce, but it offers a flawed pathway to the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.
The US State Department’s New Plan to Flood North Korea With Information
By Jenna Gibson
Bringing foreign entertainment into North Korea might be the best way to foster change.
With North Korea, Try More Economic Isolation, Less Diplomatic Isolation
By Peter Harrell
As the world steps up economic pressure, sanctions must be matched by diplomatic engagement.
With 5th Nuclear Test, North Korea Exposes World's Limited Policy Options
By John Power
The latest test drives home how little the world can do to stop Pyongyang's nuclear development.
How to Interpret North Korean Policy Signals
By 38 North / Robert Carlin
Here's a hint: paying attention helps.
The One Place in Asia China Would Embrace More US Involvement
By Kerry Brown
Beijing would welcome more engagement between the U.S. and North Korea -- and Washington should consider it.
North Korea Hawks Gain the Upper Hand
By John Power
In the wake of North Korea's nuclear test and rocket launch, hawks have the advantage in both Seoul and Washington.