
U.S.-Pakistan Relations

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All Pakistan Wants Is the Same Nuclear Deal the US Gave India

All Pakistan Wants Is the Same Nuclear Deal the US Gave India

By Umair Jamal
What are Pakistan's interests in approaching the U.S. about a nuclear deal?
Pakistan Clarifies Conditions for Tactical Nuclear Weapon Use Against India

Pakistan Clarifies Conditions for Tactical Nuclear Weapon Use Against India

By Ankit Panda
Pakistan's foreign secretary notes that Islamabad is ready to use low-yield nukes against India's "Cold Start" doctrine.

Will the US Really Offer Pakistan a Nuclear Deal? Don't Count On It

Will the US Really Offer Pakistan a Nuclear Deal? Don't Count On It

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Pakistan won't get a nuclear deal. Even if it did, it wouldn't want one.

If Pakistan Wants a 'Normal' Nuclear Status, It Must Give Up Terrorism

If Pakistan Wants a 'Normal' Nuclear Status, It Must Give Up Terrorism

By Seema Sirohi
A throwback to simplistic US rationalizations still won’t bring Pakistan into the non-proliferation mainstream.

Pakistan's Prime Minister May Visit the US in October

Pakistan's Prime Minister May Visit the US in October

By Ankit Panda
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been invited to the United States in October.
US Set to Suspend Military Aid to Pakistan

US Set to Suspend Military Aid to Pakistan

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. government will withhold certification of Pakistan's counter-terrorism operations against the Haqqani network.

Pakistan: Lessons from the India-US Nuclear Deal

Pakistan: Lessons from the India-US Nuclear Deal

By Saira Bano
The road to civilian nuclear cooperation begins in Islamabad.
Is US Drone Warfare Here to Stay?

Is US Drone Warfare Here to Stay?

By Jack Detsch
The CIA’s targeted killing program might be in jeopardy.

U.S.-Pakistan Relations: Seeing Other People

U.S.-Pakistan Relations: Seeing Other People

By Saim Saeed
The bilateral relationship matters less now, and that may not be such a bad thing.

Is Pakistan’s 'War on Terror' Out of Time?

Is Pakistan’s 'War on Terror' Out of Time?

By Jack Detsch
With Washington’s patience and money fading, is time running out for Pakistan's offensive against domestic terrorism?

America’s Pakistan Dilemma

America’s Pakistan Dilemma

By Sarah Graham
Rarely have Pakistan and U.S. strategic interests converged.
State of the Union: Where's South Asia?

State of the Union: Where's South Asia?

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
What does U.S. President Barack Obama's 2015 State of the Union speech tell us about his views on South Asia?

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