
U.S. rebalance to Asia

The US Pivot to Asia Was Dead on Arrival

The US Pivot to Asia Was Dead on Arrival

By Peter Birgbauer
Since its unveiling under the Obama administration, the U.S. “pivot” to Asia has constantly been derailed by emergencies elsewhere. The Ukraine war is just the latest example.
Regional Security Stakes In Southeast Asia

Regional Security Stakes In Southeast Asia

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Joseph Chinyong Liow.

How China Plans to Beat the Rebalance

How China Plans to Beat the Rebalance

By Timothy Heath
China's plan to supplant U.S. influence in the Asia-Pacific.

The Pivot, Past And Future

The Pivot, Past And Future

By Bates Gill
Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative is in (largely homegrown) trouble.

A Chinese Perspective on Obama's Asia Policy

A Chinese Perspective on Obama's Asia Policy

By Yuan Xunhui, Zhang Juan, and Shannon Tiezzi
An interview with Zhu Feng.
Evaluating the 'Rebalance to Asia': Interview With J. Stapleton Roy

Evaluating the 'Rebalance to Asia': Interview With J. Stapleton Roy

By Shannon Tiezzi, Yuan Xunhui, and Zhang Juan
A look back at the major developments in U.S. Asia policy under President Obama.

The Economics of US Foreign Policy

The Economics of US Foreign Policy

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Ziad Haider.
What is the Future of US Policy Toward Japan and Korea?

What is the Future of US Policy Toward Japan and Korea?

By Daniel Bob
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump espouse very different policies toward America's two biggest allies in Asia.

After Obama, What’s Next for ASEAN Centrality?

After Obama, What’s Next for ASEAN Centrality?

By David Han
Rather than relying on attention from the U.S., ASEAN members should work to maintain the bloc's relevance.

Why the US 'Rebalance to Asia' Is More Important Than Ever

Why the US 'Rebalance to Asia' Is More Important Than Ever

By Tuan N. Pham
The rebalance offers a fleeting strategic opportunity to nudge China toward being a responsible global stakeholder.

Experts Imagine an Asia Without the US

Experts Imagine an Asia Without the US

By Mina Pollmann
At a panel discussion, Asia experts reveal deep-seated fears about U.S. commitment to the region.
What Do Hillary Clinton's Emails Reveal About Her Asia Policy?

What Do Hillary Clinton's Emails Reveal About Her Asia Policy?

By Gary Leigh
An inside look at how Clinton talks and thinks about Asia.

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