U.S. South Asia Strategy

A New Chapter for India-US Defense Ties
By Basant S. Sanghera
Biden and Modi have a robust engagement calendar. The U.S. should leverage these opportunities to develop an ambitious roadmap for deepening defense ties with India.

US South Asia Policy: The Fallout From Afghanistan
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Michael Kugelman.

The Misunderstood History of Pakistan-US Relations
By Touqir Hussain
Pakistan has sometimes been important to the U.S., sometimes not. Understanding the shifts of the past can help Islamabad plan for the future.

In Afghanistan, the War Goes On
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
After 18 years, the United States is still entangled in war in Afghanistan.

Large US Troop Pullout Planned in Afghanistan
By Lolita C. Baldor
Officials say U.S. President Donald Trump has pushed the Pentagon to draw up plans to pull out of Afghanistan.

Pakistan’s Catch-22 Moment
By Daud Khattak
Is Pakistan really ready to cut the cord with the United States?

What’s Wrong With the US Afghanistan Strategy?
By Kashif Hussain
The U.S. strategy has faltered out of the gate, thanks to a lack of coordination at home and in the region.

Trump’s Strategy in Afghanistan: The Beginning of an Indefinite End
By Monish Tourangbam and Nandita Palrecha
Nearly a year after the strategy was introduced, the outcomes are inconclusive.

The Future of Special Economic Zones in Afghanistan
By Farmanullah Bismil
How does the Trump administration’s new South Asia Strategy change the plan for establishing SEZs in Afghanistan?

What Does Trump’s Withdrawal From the Iran Nuclear Deal Mean for Afghanistan?
By Sibghatullah Arsalai
Washington’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal is not good news for Afghanistan.

US Air Campaign in Afghanistan Hits Targets Near Tajik and Chinese Border
By Catherine Putz
The U.S. airstrikes in Badakhshan are likely to please China, which may be helping the Afghans build a base in the region.

Trump’s Way of War in Afghanistan: More Explosions, Less Information
By Catherine Putz
Trump promised a conditions-based approach to Afghanistan. Now the U.S. military is withholding data about the conditions.
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