
U.S. trade policy

Waste Not, Want Not: The Need for US Soft Power in the Indo-Pacific

Waste Not, Want Not: The Need for US Soft Power in the Indo-Pacific

By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
The U.S. cannot sustain its influence or meet its objectives in the Indo-Pacific with only hard power or material inducements to other states.
After APEC: Whither US Leadership on Trade?

After APEC: Whither US Leadership on Trade?

By Chris Dixon and Bob Savic
Washington’s failure in approving the IPEF trade pillar sent a clear message to Asia-Pacific partners. But all is not lost. 

Biden Avoids Trade Deals While Promising a Better Economic Relationship With Asia

Biden Avoids Trade Deals While Promising a Better Economic Relationship With Asia

By Josh Boak
With IPEF, the U.S. administration is hoping to sidestep domestic politics while addressing issues such as supply chains and climate change.

The Big Hole in the Biden Administration’s Economic Diplomacy

The Big Hole in the Biden Administration’s Economic Diplomacy

By Paul Nadeau
With little leverage to pursue legally binding trade deals, the Biden administration is forced to resort to economic unilateralism.

The Political Case for a New Zealand-US Free Trade Agreement

The Political Case for a New Zealand-US Free Trade Agreement

By Nicholas Khoo and Alex Tan
A free trade pact makes sense for both countries, and the reasons are as much political as they are economic.
Why Is the US Ambivalent About Trade Engagement in the Indo-Pacific?

Why Is the US Ambivalent About Trade Engagement in the Indo-Pacific?

By Hanh Nguyen
Changing sentiments at home mean the United States is now more enthusiastic about enforcing trade rules than facilitating trade.

Biden’s Asia Policy, 1 Year In

Biden’s Asia Policy, 1 Year In

By Danny Russel and Wendy Cutler
One year into the Biden administration, what should we make of its policy toward Asia and the Indo-Pacific?
Biden to Order a Review of US Supply Chains for Vital Goods

Biden to Order a Review of US Supply Chains for Vital Goods

By Associated Press
Over the past year, the fragility of vital supply chains has been revealed repeatedly.

US Government Officially Labels Vietnam a Currency Manipulator

US Government Officially Labels Vietnam a Currency Manipulator

By Sebastian Strangio
The unprecedented designation threatens to generate frictions with an important U.S. partner in Southeast Asia.

To Compete With China, the US Needs to Drop ‘America First’

To Compete With China, the US Needs to Drop ‘America First’

By Troy Stangarone
If the United States is to engage in a long-term great power competition with China, it will need to decouple from the Trump administration’s “America First” agenda.

How Many Xi-Trump Personal Truces Will It Take to End the Trade War?

How Many Xi-Trump Personal Truces Will It Take to End the Trade War?

By Ankit Panda
The Osaka “truce” just happened. How long until it falls apart and the trade war cycle repeats itself?
The US GSP Decision: Risks to US-India Relations and Upsides for China

The US GSP Decision: Risks to US-India Relations and Upsides for China

By Aman Thakker
Trade tensions between the United States and India have risen to a new level.

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