
U.S.-Vietnam relations

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US to Help Vietnam Bolster Maritime Security

US to Help Vietnam Bolster Maritime Security

By Ankit Panda
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced $18 million in U.S. funding to help Vietnam beef up its coast guard.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: Do it for Vietnam

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Do it for Vietnam

By Ankit Panda
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will have a huge positive effect on Vietnam's economy. Should Americans care?

A Breakthrough in US-Vietnam Relations

A Breakthrough in US-Vietnam Relations

By Alexander L. Vuving
A recent visit embodies the astonishing change in bilateral relations.

Vietnam and Great Power Rivalries

Vietnam and Great Power Rivalries

By Nhina Le and Koh Swee Lean Collin
Will Russian use of Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay derail improving Hanoi-Washington ties?

US and Vietnam: From Foes to Friends

US and Vietnam: From Foes to Friends

By Pham Quang Vinh
Vietnam's new ambassador to the United States reflects on the state of the U.S.-Vietnam relationship.
Vietnam and Diplomatic Balancing

Vietnam and Diplomatic Balancing

By Khang Vu and Khang Vu
Hanoi is having to walk a careful line in its relations with China and the U.S.

The Political Significance of American Lethal Weapons to Vietnam

The Political Significance of American Lethal Weapons to Vietnam

By Truong-Minh Vu and Ngo Di Lan
The partial embargo removal sends a clear signal to South China Sea rivals.
Time to End Ban on Weapons Sales to Vietnam

Time to End Ban on Weapons Sales to Vietnam

By Paul J. Leaf
Washington needs a strong partner in Vietnam to counter Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

US and Vietnam Should Tread Carefully on Relations

US and Vietnam Should Tread Carefully on Relations

By Brian Benedictus
While a strategic relationship makes sense on paper, both sides should temper their expectations.

The Potential of the TPP for Vietnam

The Potential of the TPP for Vietnam

By Truong-Minh Vu & Nguyen Nhat-Anh
The TPP, if it happens, could provide economic and strategic benefits for Vietnam.

Vietnam Sends Envoy on Ice-Breaking Trip to China

Vietnam Sends Envoy on Ice-Breaking Trip to China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Politburo member Le Hong Anh will be in China August 26 and 27, the first such visit since the oil rig crisis.
Strategic Trust, an Oil Rig and Vietnam’s Dilemma

Strategic Trust, an Oil Rig and Vietnam’s Dilemma

By Nguyen Huu Tuc
Vietnam is forced to decide between territorial integrity and its relationship with China.

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