
The Case for an Alliance of Semiconductor Producing Nations
By Carisa Nietsche
The “Semi7” would include countries making meaningful contributions to the semiconductor value chain and that share similar goals.

The Future of the Five Power Defense Arrangements
By Li Jie Sheng
The FPDA, a nonbinding defense pact, plays an important role in the Southeast Asian region.
A Mixed Bag: China's Euro Relations
China recently rolled out the red carpet for French President Hollande as relations with several European nations remain strained.

Four Lessons of the Falklands War
“The war could have turned out much differently. Had Argentine ordnance performed better, Thatcher might have been thrown out of power.”

Japan: A Football, Rugby Powerhouse in the Making?
More Japanese football and rugby players are moving to Europe and Oceania. Media frenzies ensue.

The Borneo Death March
A group of British soldiers is attempting the Borneo Death March, which claimed thousands of lives in World War II.
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