UN Commission of Inquiry

Another US Funding Cut Threatens Human Rights in North Korea
By Danielle Chubb
The halt to funding for the NED threatens to shut down groups documenting and helping to stop human rights abuses in North Korea.

10 Years After the UN Report: The International Community’s Role in Improving Human Rights in North Korea
By Ilhyeok Kim
The Commission of Inquiry Report on North Korea shocked the world with revelations of horrific abuses. It's time to take stock of what progress has been achieved since then.

North Korea Human Rights, 4 Years After the UN Inquiry
By Benedict Rogers
In the past decade, the people of North Korea have changed, but the nature of the regime certainly hasn’t.

Kim Jong-nam's Assassination Is a Wake-Up Call to the World
By Jose Ramos-Horta and Benedict Rogers
"The North Korean regime is not simply a pariah to be ridiculed, but a dangerous threat to the world."

UN Again Takes Up North Korea's Human Rights Abuses
By Cholpon Orozobekova
North Korea's human rights situation is highlighted at the UN Security Council and in a recent UN report.

North Korea's Prison Camps Continue to Cast Dark Shadow
By John Power
North Korea's notorious prison camps remain a "cornerstone" of state control, according to a new report.

Human Rights in North Korea: The Real Key to Denuclearization
By Kim Tae-woo
"Improving the human rights situation in North Korea is the alpha and omega of resolving all issues surrounding the North."

UN Report Ups Pressure on North Korea…and China
By Jared Genser
Will a powerful report on human rights violations prompt the international community to act?
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