
United Nations

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Samantha Power Must Recalibrate Washington’s Sri Lanka Rhetoric

Samantha Power Must Recalibrate Washington’s Sri Lanka Rhetoric

By Taylor Dibbert
With Samantha Power visiting Sri Lanka, now is an auspicious time for the U.S. to recalibrate its recent rhetoric about the island nation.
No, Ban Ki-Moon Isn't About to Visit North Korea

No, Ban Ki-Moon Isn't About to Visit North Korea

By Ankit Panda
Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general of the United Nations, won't be visiting North Korea, contrary to earlier reports.

Samantha Power and US Sri Lanka Policy

Samantha Power and US Sri Lanka Policy

By Taylor Dibbert
With a transfer of power in Colombo, the Obama administration looks to put Sri Lanka in the win column for U.S. democracy promotion efforts.

Enough Is Enough: India Needs to Leave Behind Its UN Obsession

Enough Is Enough: India Needs to Leave Behind Its UN Obsession

By Harsh V. Pant
India's obsession with the United Nations needs to change if it is to be taken seriously as a rising power.

Modi Goes West: Taking Stock of the Indian Prime Minister's US Trip

Modi Goes West: Taking Stock of the Indian Prime Minister's US Trip

By Rohan Joshi
How did Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's trip to the United States go?
Kazakhstan Wants to Move the UN to Asia

Kazakhstan Wants to Move the UN to Asia

By Catherine Putz
President Nazarbayev wants the UN to know he's full of ideas for modernizing the body.

The UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Sri Lanka is Tabled

The UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Sri Lanka is Tabled

By Taylor Dibbert
After a flurry of diplomatic activity in Geneva, the UN Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka has finally been tabled.
Modi, Abe, Merkel, Rousseff Together: G4 to Meet on UN Sidelines

Modi, Abe, Merkel, Rousseff Together: G4 to Meet on UN Sidelines

By Ankit Panda
The leaders of the G4 will be back together for the first time in more than 10 years.

Negotiating Sri Lanka’s Future at the UN Human Rights Council

Negotiating Sri Lanka’s Future at the UN Human Rights Council

By Taylor Dibbert
Negotiations over another UN Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka are ongoing, with many issues unresolved.

Civilian Casualties at Record High in Afghanistan

Civilian Casualties at Record High in Afghanistan

By Catherine Putz
The UN recommends that Afghan government forces stop firing mortars and grenades into civilian-populated areas.

Why China Snubbed India on a Pakistan-based Terrorist at the UN

By Ankit Panda
China's habit of blocking Indian moves on Pakistan-based terrorism at the United Nations continues.
UN Chief Begins Central Asia Tour Amid Rights Concerns

UN Chief Begins Central Asia Tour Amid Rights Concerns

By Catherine Putz
Ban Ki-moon is traveling to all five Central Asian states and will work hard to avoid one big elephant.

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