
United Nations

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Insecurity Drives China’s Syria Policy

Insecurity Drives China’s Syria Policy

China’s own sense of vulnerability, not its rivalry with the US, accounts for its opposition to a Syrian intervention.

Wikipedia Refuses to Comply with China’s Censorship

Wikipedia Refuses to Comply with China’s Censorship

Plus, a Chinese cargo ship attempts to transverse the Arctic route to Europe. Monday China links.

China Embraces Peacekeeping Missions

China Embraces Peacekeeping Missions

A historical transformation is underway as China begins sending combat forces to UN operations.

A Global Call to Arms Control

A Global Call to Arms Control

Nine years after UNSC 1540 passed, progress remains uneven and incomplete.

UN Raps Japan For Not Funding Pro-Pyongyang Schools

UN Raps Japan For Not Funding Pro-Pyongyang Schools

Japan’s refusal to subsidize pro-North Korean schools in Japan “constitutes discrimination” a UN committee claims.

Viewing North Korea’s Nuclear Test through a South Asian Lens

Viewing North Korea’s Nuclear Test through a South Asian Lens

North Korea’s recent nuclear test has renewed suspicions over ties with Pakistan.

What Will WTO Membership Mean for Laos?

What Will WTO Membership Mean for Laos?

Laos’ recent WTO membership stands to benefit the country significantly. But the gains will take work.

Hun Sen’s Battle for Middle Earth

Hun Sen’s Battle for Middle Earth

Cambodia has certainly endured its share of turbulent times. Its long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen will soon go to the polls. The Diplomat profiles him here.

Human Rights Plague Cambodia's UN Bid

Human Rights Plague Cambodia's UN Bid

Becoming a non-permanent member on the UN Security Council once seemed assured. Not anymore.

French Polynesia Battles for Independence

French Polynesia Battles for Independence

If President Oscar Manutahi Temaru gets his way, French Polynesia could one day become an independent nation – but at what cost?

Can China be a World Leader?

Can China be a World Leader?

Many Chinese advocate Beijing taking on a greater leadership role on the world stage. Can they get anyone to follow?

America and Iran Square Off Over Syria

America and Iran Square Off Over Syria

Washington has seen all roads in Damascus as leading through Tehran. Why time and compromise could lead to a deal that saves lives.

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