
Why the Urdu Script Is Crucial for India’s Cultural Diversity
By Shahzaman Haque
India is a country whose wonderful diversity stems from the richness of its past. That includes the Urdu script.

For Love of Urdu: Language and the Legacies of Jinnah and Nehru
By Shahzaman Haque
That the two founding figures of Indian and Pakistani independence were united by a shared love of Urdu speaks eloquently of the language’s rich history.

India’s War on Urdu
By Shahzaman Haque
Urdu is a long-time part of Indian culture, not an alien presence to be purged.

India’s Evolving Linguistic Landscape
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Hindi continues to explode in India.

A Semantic Masala: Oxford English Dictionary Fills up With Indian Words
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Dozens of new English-Indian terms reveal a lot about the dialogue of cultures.

Symbols and Time: Debating Official Scripts in India
By Krzysztof Iwanek
India scripts a retention of its diversity – through scripts.

No English Please, We're Pakistani
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Pakistan's government wants its officials to use Urdu in their official speeches, at home or abroad.
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