US TPP withdrawal

The US Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Weakest Link
By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
U.S. involvement in the region needs a larger economic component – an area where U.S. policy used to be strong.

Japan Expects Biden to Rejoin the TPP
By Daisuke Akimoto
The U.S. was critical in convincing Japan to join the trade pact. Now Tokyo wants to bring Washington back into the fold.

After RCEP’s Launch, the US Urgently Needs to Rejoin the TPP
By Ho-fung Hung
The geopolitical rationale was always there, but the creation of RCEP changes the narrative about the TPP and American jobs.

Japan-US Relations: Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Quad
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Stephen R. Nagy.

TPP Survives After Canadians ‘Screwed Everybody’
By Anthony Fensom
Despite a no-show from Canada's prime minister, the TPP has new life.

Trump's Post-Pivot Strategy
By Patrick M. Cronin
Trump's Indo-Pacific dream focuses on reciprocity, as well as economic and military security.

How the US Is Losing to China in Southeast Asia
By James Guild
As Trump prepares to travel to Southeast Asia next month, China is already beating him to the punch where it counts.

Attacking KORUS is Worse than Abandoning TPP
By Shihoko Goto
Retreating from the agreement would not only damage U.S.-ROK relations but impact key U.S. industries that have benefited from the deal.

After TPP: The Future of US-Japan Trade Relations
By Tobias Harris
The United States and Japan want fundamentally different things from their trade relationship.

Could the EU Join TPP?
By Wang Mouzhou
As the EU looks to boost trade with the Asia-Pacific, why not take up the vacant US spot in TPP?

New Life for the TPP?
By Anthony Fensom
The TPP 11 are "united" on moving forward, but Trump has his own ideas for the future of Asia trade.

Is Trouble Brewing in the Taiwan Strait?
By Neil Thompson
Amid President Trump's other moves, don't forget the possibility of the frozen conflict over Taiwan turning hot.
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