US withdrawal from Paris agreement

As World Watches Messy US Presidential Election, Washington Exits the Paris Agreement
By Catherine Putz
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has said he favors signing the U.S. back up to the Paris Agreement.

Climate Change: The New Asian Drama
By Neil Bhatiya
The global fight against climate change will be won or lost in Asia.

Interview: Central Asia Copes With Climate Change
By Ryskeldi Satke
Stefanos Xenarios outlines how Central Asian countries are attempting to adapt to climate change.

Can China Live Up to Its Climate Fighting Promise?
By Kyle Mullin
China's pursuit of renewable energy will not be easy or quick.

Trump Reneges on Paris Climate Change Agreement: Options for India
By Ashok Sajjanhar
Trump's withdrawal is a blow to the agreement, but could provide opportunities for India.

What Did China Say After US Announced Exit From Paris Agreement?
By DD Wu
China will “unswervingly uphold the global climate management,” said the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
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