Uzbekistan reforms

Demolitions Threaten Uzbekistan’s Historical Heritage
By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
With development mushrooming across Uzbekistan, the country's historic quarters are at risk.

William Seitz on Uzbekistan’s Propiska Problem
By Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan has one of the lowest rates of internal migration in the world, in part due to its registration system.

Uzbek Blogger Flees After Release from Psychiatric Facility
By Catherine Putz
Nafosat Olloshkurova's decision to leave Uzbekistan reflects just how far the state has yet to go with its reforms, particularly regarding free speech.

Secret Trial Hands Ex-Uzbek Diplomat Sentence for Treason
By Catherine Putz
The unfolding of Yusupov's case stands in direct contrast with the Uzbek government’s professions of progress and reform.

Uzbek Official Reprimanded by Senate for Rude Remarks on Beards and Hijabs
By Catherine Putz
Shuhrat Ghaniev, governor of Fergana and a senator, was rebuked by the Senate for an ethics violation.

Uzbekistan Joins the Turkic Council
By Umida Hashimova
Tashkent joins a regional organization for the first time in 13 years.

Unclear Boundaries in a Changing Uzbekistan
By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
In Uzbekistan, a growing gap between the rhetoric of change and continued police discomfort with activism.

Charting Progress in Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan
By Steve Swerdlow
Three years of frenzied reform activity have certainly made a difference, but much work remains to be done.

Uzbekistan: Reforms Underway, but Democracy Still Out of Reach
By Justine Doody
With parliamentary elections slated for late 2019 or early 2020, will Uzbekistan remain in essence a one-party state?

Umida Niyazova on Forced Labor in Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
Despite progress, forced labor remains a reality in Uzbekistan.

Can Return Migration Be a ‘Brain Gain’ for Uzbekistan?
By Sherzod Eraliev
Tashkent looks to expats to bring their expertise and experience back to Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan Needs Greater Academic Independence
By Firdavs Navruzov
The country’s new private schools must be allowed to innovate.