Vietnam War

How America’s Wars in Asia Militarized the Police at Home
By Alireza Ahmadi
American empire and wars in the Far East contributed to the militarization of the U.S. police force.

The Mayaguez: Honoring the Fallen and Remembering the Survivors
By Luke Hunt
U.S. soldiers who fought the last battle in Indochina deserve their place in military history.

How the Vietnam War Fused the Modern American Right
By Robert Farley
The domestic political effects of the Vietnam War have been far-reaching.

Victims Left Behind in US Agent Orange Cleanup Efforts
By Sonya Schoenberger
Vietnamese victims have yet to receive compensation – and many live in desperate poverty.

Could Vietnam Have Avoided the 1979 War With China?
By Cu Huy Ha Vu
Vietnam’s missed opportunity to normalize relations with the US paved the way for China’s 1979 invasion.

How a Film Influenced a US President's Decision to Invade a Foreign Country
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Popular culture continues to play an underestimated role in shaping policy makers world views and choices.

Prominent North Vietnamese Communist Defector Dies
By Luke Hunt
A closer look at the wider significance of Colonel Bui Tin’s death.

Nixon’s China Sell-Out
By Bonnie Girard
Nixon’s China opening had little regards for American and allied troops in Vietnam.

Why Australia Needs to Reconcile With Its Role in the Vietnam War
By Sayeed Ahmed
With reconciliation, Australia will be in a much stronger position to achieve its stated foreign policy objectives.

Leave No Man Behind: The Truth About the Mayaguez Incident
By Peter Maguire
The last casualties of the final battle of the Vietnam War were 3 Marines left behind on Cambodia's Koh Tang Island.

The My Lai Massacre and How to Write About War
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How defense policy writers can vicariously fuel the dangerous myth of 'clean' military conflict.

Will Vietnam’s Communist Party Ever Change Its Ways?
By David Hutt
Vietnam is an interesting case study in the question of whether communist parties can truly reform from within.