Vietnam’s Newest Tourist Destination: The Spratlys
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How Hanoi deploys tourism as a weapon in its simmering dispute with Beijing over South China Sea sovereignty.

India and Vietnam Push Ahead with Strategic Security Cooperation
By Ankit Panda
Vietnam's defense minister is in India, with a maritime security-focused agenda.

Sure, TPP Is 'Win-Win'... Unless You Care About Human Rights
By John Sifton
The Trans-Pacific Partnership won't do much to improve the human rights situation in Asia.
Reclamation, Arbitration, Competition: South China Sea Situation Report
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's editors discuss recent events in the South China Sea.

Vietnam Buys Deadly New Missiles Capable of Hitting China
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Hanoi is the first Southeast Asian nation arming its submarines with land attack cruise missiles.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Do it for Vietnam
By Ankit Panda
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will have a huge positive effect on Vietnam's economy. Should Americans care?

Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay Caught in US-Russia Crossfire
By Carl Thayer
How will Hanoi respond to U.S. pressure to curtail flights of Russian refueling aircraft out of Cam Ranh Bay?

Outgoing US Defense Secretary Hagel Warns of Limits of Military Power
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Hagel's departing shots should be seen as an incentive for self-reflection in the White House.
Vietnam’s Tale of Two Cities
By Elisabeth Rosen
Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi embody a larger struggle in Vietnam between traditional culture and modernity.
Strengthening Australian-Vietnam Ties… In Cyberspace
By Jessica Woodall
Cybersecurity can help Australia take its existing engagement with Vietnam to the next level.
Capitalism’s Biggest Fan Is Asian… And Communist
By Zachary Keck
A new Pew Research poll found that capitalism’s biggest supporters are all in Asia.

Fixing the United States' Human Rights Misstep With Vietnam
By John Sifton
By selling weapons to Vietnam, the United States is selling out activists.