

India’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier to Conduct Basin Trials in 2020

India’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier to Conduct Basin Trials in 2020

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India’s IAC-1 aircraft carrier will likely conduct basin trials in February and March next year, according to a senior Indian naval official.

India’s First Homegrown Aircraft Carrier to Begin Sea Trials in 2020

India’s First Homegrown Aircraft Carrier to Begin Sea Trials in 2020

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India’s first domestically built aircraft carrier is expected to be inducted into the Indian Navy in 2020.
Boeing Aims for Indian Navy’s 57 New Carrier-based Multirole Fighters Contract

Boeing Aims for Indian Navy’s 57 New Carrier-based Multirole Fighters Contract

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Boeing study concludes that heavily armed F/A 18 Super Hornets can safely operate from Indian aircraft carriers.

India’s First Homegrown Aircraft Carrier to Enter Sea Trials in Early 2020

India’s First Homegrown Aircraft Carrier to Enter Sea Trials in Early 2020

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India’s first domestically built aircraft carrier will begin sea trials in early 2020, according to the Indian Ministry of Defense.

Future of India’s Supercarrier Program Still Uncertain

Future of India’s Supercarrier Program Still Uncertain

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian defense ministry has still not approved construction of India’s planned new 65,000-ton flattop.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India’s First Homegrown Carrier to Be Ready By 2020

India’s First Homegrown Carrier to Be Ready By 2020

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India’s first domestically built aircraft carrier will be ready for operational deployment by 2020.

Confirmed: India’s Next Aircraft Carrier Will Be Nuclear

Confirmed: India’s Next Aircraft Carrier Will Be Nuclear

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Indian naval planners have anonymously revealed important details about India’s second indigenous aircraft carrier.
Should the US Help India Defeat China's Navy?

Should the US Help India Defeat China's Navy?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new study argues yes, and pushes for closer defense ties between New Delhi and Washington.

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