Wakhan Corridor

How Afghanistan Can Benefit from China’s Investments
By Hamayun Khan and Nasrat Sayed
A strategic relationship with China could end Afghanistan’s isolation through economic cooperation and ensure stability through strategic engagement.

The Reality of Afghanistan’s Land Link With China
By Aarish U. Khan
Trade and transit directly to China through the Wakhan Corridor is a long-held dream for Afghan governments, but the logistics remain a major hurdle.

China’s Security Infrastructure Continues to Grow in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
Several reports in October underscore the persistent growth of Chinese security engagement in Tajikistan.

China and the Taliban: What to Watch
By Bonnie Girard
Developments in two areas – Afghanistan’s illicit drug trade and the Sino-Afghan shared border – will give us early indications of Beijing’s approach to a Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

China’s Surreptitious Advance in Afghanistan
By Shubhangi Pandey
Deteriorating Afghan security poses risks for China, so Beijing is quietly building up its presence in the area.

Summits, Roads and Suspended Disbelief in Central Asia
By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Can Beijing untie the Pamir Knot?

China’s Westward Strategy
By Yo-Jung Chen
Beijing is seeking new energy supply routes to its west. Will that influence its eastern strategy?
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