
War on Terror

How 9/11 Changed – and Didn’t Change – Afghanistan

How 9/11 Changed – and Didn’t Change – Afghanistan

By Freshta Jalalzai
The terror attacks on September 11, 2001, seemingly changed the trajectory of Afghanistan’s history. But today, the country in many ways is back to the status quo ante – except for the thousands of lives lost to war. 
Should a Man Face Trial Alone at Guantanamo Bay While His 2 Co-Accused Return Home?

Should a Man Face Trial Alone at Guantanamo Bay While His 2 Co-Accused Return Home?

By Aisyah Llewellyn
Despite their alleged involvement in terrorist attacks including the 2002 Bali bombings, Mohammed Farik Bin Amin and Mohammed Nazir Bin Lep could be heading back to Malaysia early next year.

Asia and the ‘Global War on Terror’

Asia and the ‘Global War on Terror’

By Mariya Y. Omelicheva, Abdul Basit, Bilveer Singh, and Sean R. Roberts
Launched in the wake of 9/11, the GWOT has had far-reaching consequences across Asia. 

Why Singapore Is a Terrorist Target

Why Singapore Is a Terrorist Target

By Bilveer Singh
The Islamic State has been upfront about its goal to attack the city-state.

The US Should Cut Its Losses in Pakistan

The US Should Cut Its Losses in Pakistan

By Frud Bezhan
Americans have forked out billions to Pakistan to help combat the Taliban, with little to show for the investment.
Myanmar and the 'War on Terror'

Myanmar and the 'War on Terror'

By Tauseef Akbar
In Myanmar, as elsewhere around the globe, the "war on terror" is used to justify persecution.

Chinese Media Accuses US of Being ‘Terrorist Breeder’

Chinese Media Accuses US of Being ‘Terrorist Breeder’

By Shannon Tiezzi
As DC hosts a summit on countering violent extremism, China blasts the U.S. role in creating havens for terrorists.
A Bad Idea: Using the 2001 AUMF as Legal Rationale for Striking ISIS

A Bad Idea: Using the 2001 AUMF as Legal Rationale for Striking ISIS

By Ankit Panda
The Obama administration doesn't have the strongest legal footing to go to war against ISIS in Iraq.

America’s War on Terror Mirrors Cold War

America’s War on Terror Mirrors Cold War

The trajectory of the United States’ conflict with al-Qaeda continues to echo U.S. foreign policy during the early part of the Cold War.

Do Drone Strikes on al-Qaida Make Us Safer?

Do Drone Strikes on al-Qaida Make Us Safer?

Moral or immoral, do drone strikes work? Sean M. Lynn-Jones weighs the evidence.

A Counterplea for Retracted U.S. Military Engagement

A Counterplea for Retracted U.S. Military Engagement

Belén Fernández on the flip-side of U.S. military engagement. Could forces be creating their own enemies?

When Is a Terrorist a Terrorist?

When Is a Terrorist a Terrorist?

By Luke Hunt
‘War on terror’ was a flawed term from the start. But Asian governments, too, are willing to play politics with terrorism.

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