waste management

Checking in on Waste Management Projects in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
By Ryskeldi Satke
The EBRD is facilitating the introduction of green technologies, waste recovery and recycling systems in both countries, but more information is needed on progress and impacts.

Confronting Cambodia’s Waste Management Challenge
By David Hutt
The country, especially its capital, has long had a problem with waste that needs to be addressed.

Asia Stands up to 'Waste Colonialism'
By Shona Warren
Developing nations in Asia are no longer willing to receive metric tonnes of untreated, unsorted rubbish.

Asia Will No Longer Tolerate Being a Plastic Waste Dump
By Mageswari Sangaralingam and Sam Cossar
China set the trend of refusing foreign plastic waste. Now other Asian countries are following suit.

Resilient Infrastructure and Waste Management in India
By Kris Hartley
Will governments embrace smarter infrastructure or ignore environmental and social welfare?
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