
China Changes Tack on Water Politics
By Fengshi Wu
Long a source of tension with its neighbors, China’s transboundary rivers are opening opportunities for regional cooperation.

The Role of Water Governance in Pakistan’s Water Crisis
By Atal Ahmadzai
The securitization of water governance in Pakistan does not actually help mitigate the water crisis in the country.

Transboundary Water Governance is a Regional Security Issue in Asia
By Genevieve Donnellon-May and Zhang Hongzhou
Careful management of hydropower resources is essential to ensure its positive impacts on climate change and avoid transboundary river conflicts.

A Carrot-and-Stick Approach to Long-Term Sustainability
By Cecilia Tortajada and Tommy Kevin Lee
Singapore’s sustainable water policy offers a useful model for sustainable development.

Water Security in Asia: Strong Infrastructure for Healthy Communities
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
Insights from Walter Wang

Asia’s Food Supply Weathers California’s Drought
By Asit K. Biswas, Matthew J. Kastner and Cecilia Tortajada
Despite its ongoing struggles with waters, the state remains a key supplier of specialty crops to the Asian market.

Kyrgyzstan: Between a Glacier and a Gold Mine
By Catherine Putz
The unending headache that is Kumtor continues. This time the conflict is over the mine's environmental impact.

Addressing Nepal’s Water Crisis
By Juliette Rousselot, Photos by Omar Havana
Although many communities still struggle, Nepal is making real progress on providing access to water.

Interview: The India-Pakistan Water Dispute
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Can the decades-long tensions over access to diminishing water resources ever be solved?

Interview: Sattar Mahmoudi
By Joseph Hammond
The Diplomat speaks with Iran’s deputy minister of Energy, about the country’s attempts to overcome a serious water crisis.

Politics of Water
Insider updates from a recent conference shed more light on water politics.
Water Issue Heats Up
A clash between reality and public sentiment in Pakistan on the water issue?
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