water management

The Impact of Migration on Water Scarcity in Central Asia
By Soumya Balasubramanya and Ted Horbulyk
What does male migration have to do with water scarcity in Central Asia?

The Future Shape of Mekong Cooperation
By Jack Guen-Murray, Monzima Haque, and John Lichtefeld
A closer look at the paths ahead for the Mekong River Commission.

Afghanistan’s Water-Sharing Puzzle
By Zabihullah Mudabber
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran have a long history of conflict over scarce water resources.

Urban Water Management in Singapore: Past, Present and Future
By Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada
The country’s impressive history with water management leaves it well placed to tackle new challenges.

Water: A Global Crisis
By Peter Brabeck-Letmathe and Asit K. Biswas
The world water crisis is both severe and entirely avoidable.
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