

The Pakistani Taliban is Back

The Pakistani Taliban is Back

By Daud Khattak
Over the past two years, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has re-emerged. The group poses a threat in Pakistan and beyond.

Pakistan’s Crackdown on Pashtun Dissent Reflects Weakness, Not Strength

Pakistan’s Crackdown on Pashtun Dissent Reflects Weakness, Not Strength

By Farahnaz Ispahani
The inability of the Pakistani state to stomach Pashtun dissent reflects internal fragility.
What Does the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Want?

What Does the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Want?

By Ali Wazir
A leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement tells his story and explains why Pashtuns must prevail with peaceful protest.

 ‘Collective Punishment’ in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

 ‘Collective Punishment’ in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

By Farooq Yousaf
Entire villages must pay the cost for insurgent activities in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

Pakistan’s Conflict Zone Migrants

Pakistan’s Conflict Zone Migrants

By Umair Jamal
Pakistan's reputation as a source of illegal economic migrants demands government scrutiny.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Pakistan Announces That It Has Defeated ETIM. So What?

Pakistan Announces That It Has Defeated ETIM. So What?

By Benjamin David Baker
In a bid to please China, Pakistan says it has defeated a major Uyghur militant group within its borders.

Afghan Forces Capture Haqqani Leaders

Afghan Forces Capture Haqqani Leaders

By Ankit Panda
Afghan forces captured the effective second-in-command and a key tactician of the Haqqani network.
Pakistan’s Militancy Response: Too Little, Too Late

Pakistan’s Militancy Response: Too Little, Too Late

By Michael Kugelman
Pakistan may finally be getting more serious about tackling its militancy problem. But don’t get your hopes up.

How the ETIM Enigma Haunts Pakistan-China Relations

How the ETIM Enigma Haunts Pakistan-China Relations

A recent video apparently shows a Chinese rebel training camp in Pakistan. That could complicate ties.

The Battle for Waziristan

Pakistan’s military claims it is in control as it battles militants in South Waziristan. But a media blackout and a string of suicide bombings has raised questions about how decisive the offensive has really been, Ghulam Ghaus reports.

From our Correspondent

An al-Qaeda-Taliban merger?

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