women in Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s Road to Peace Still Needs US Leadership
By Farhat Popal and Chris Walsh
At this crucial time in Afghanistan’s nascent journey toward freedom, U.S. support is still necessary.

Young Afghan Women Barely Remember Taliban But Fear a Return
By Cara Anna
Worried about losing what they’ve gained, Afghanistan’s young women demand a voice in the country’s future.

Women Are Critical to Building a Lasting Peace in Afghanistan
By Ian J. Lynch
Women are critical to the everyday peacebuilding activities necessary to put any peace agreement into effective practice.

The Other Peace Talks: Afghan Women, Millennials, and Social Media
By Michelle Tolson
The grassroots peace process is working – it just needs time, say civil society activists

Peace, Blood, and Hope: Women in Afghanistan’s Election
By Michelle Tolson
Amid a deady campaign season, women candidates are fighting for political participation.

A Battle of Several Fronts: Afghan Women in the Security Forces
By Jawad Zawulistani
Afghanistan can do more to bring women into the security forces, and the country will benefit greatly from doing so.

Ghani’s Revealing Slip of The Tongue
By Metra Mehran
The Afghan president accidentally makes a sexist comment, revealing the depths of gender inequality in Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, a Struggle to Leave No Woman or Child Behind
By Tadamichi Yamamoto
Gender-based violence is pervasive in Afghanistan, but activists see a change in the wind.

The Women in Afghanistan’s Moral Prisons
By Ritu Mahendru
Sex before marriage, fleeing abuse, even being raped could land a woman in one of Afghanistan's moral prisons.

Keeping the Faith: Afghan Women Need Continued International Support
By Catherine Putz
Women’s lives remain difficult in Afghanistan; security and corruption stand as major impediments to progress.

What Justice? Afghan Court Overturns Death Sentences in Farkhunda Murder
By Catherine Putz
The U.S. spent over $1 billion since 2003 on rule of law programs in Afghanistan and has little to show for it.

4 Sentenced to Death in Farkhunda Murder Trial
By Catherine Putz
The four day trial strikes some as too short, with actual justice lacking.