Women in the workplace

India Must Protect the 150 Million Women in the Informal Sector
By Swati Dey
From sexual harassment protections to childcare and social security, women in India’s informal sector are often left outside the scope of government policies.

Japanese Women Campaign Against Mandatory High Heels
By Thisanka Siripala
A controversy surrounding women being forced to wear high heels at work has exploded into a new #KuToo protest movement.

New Leaders Challenge Asia’s Gender Gap
By Anthony Fensom
Asia's gender gap is still daunting, but more and more women are taking on political leadership roles.

Poll: Japanese Women Don’t Want to Lead
By Kyla Ryan
Despite an urgent need for greater economic participation by women, they don’t seem to be interested.

Analyst: ‘Womenomics’ Marks Social Shift in Tradition-Bound Japan
By Anthony Fensom
With support from the top and a generational shift, change in coming to Japan.
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