women's rights in Central Asia

A Gender Perspective on HIV Prevalence in Uzbekistan
By Niginakhon Saida and Sara Scardavilli
Gender inequality and stereotypes, especially in health, education, and command over economic resources, make women more vulnerable to HIV and to other related conditions.

Turkmenistan Takes Policing Women’s Bodies to the Next Level
By Akja Kepderi
In April, Turkmen authorities began cracking down on salons, enforcing a ban on a range of beauty services.

‘It Happens Every Day, to Everyone’: Street Harassment in Uzbekistan
By Munisa Abdullaeva
A majority of girls in Uzbekistan have experienced some form of street harassment, from catcalls to physical assault.

A Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan Ends in a Young Woman's Death
By Catherine Putz
Burulai Turdaaly Kyzy was reportedly stabbed to death inside a police station by the man who had abducted her.
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