World Wildlife Fund

Hydropower Dams Threaten Crucial Mekong Supply Chains, WWF Says
By Sebastian Strangio
In a new report, the World Wildlife Fund claims that dam developments, often hailed as an economic boon, could end up weighing down economic growth.

Why Restoring Cambodia's Lost Tigers May be a Good Idea
By Luke Hunt
A plan to reintroduce the animal into the wild deserves a closer look.

Dredging: A Miner Threat to the Great Barrier Reef?
By J.T. Quigley
Australian mining industry accuses conservationists of “untruths” in campaign to block development.

First Wild Saola Sighting in 15 Years Gives Conservationists Hope
The critically endangered mammal was photographed in Vietnam.

Trouble on the Mekong
By Tom Fawthrop
Europe’s Pöyry Energy and its controversial role as Xayaburi dam consultant have been challenged under new OECD CSR rules.

Xayaburi Dam Threatens Mekong River’s Giant Catfish
The Xayaburi Dam poses a problem for the Mekong River’s fish and the people living beside it.
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