
WTO as a Reflection of Emerging 'New' World Order
By Valbona Zeneli and Michael R. Czinkota
Today’s global economic realities are challenging the effectiveness of the WTO’s historical role as an arbiter of world trade.

How India Is Navigating Global Trade Agreement Trends
By Divesh Kaul
What recent agreements like the CPTPP and USMCA mean for India.

Trump Tariffs, 101
By Stephen Olson
A primer on the different U.S. tariff actions, and what they mean for the global trading system.

The Case of ZTE and US-China Relations
By Dingding Chen
We might be entering a new era in the economic relationship between China and the United States. ZTE's case shows why.

CPTPP and Leadership in the Global Trade System
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insight from Christina Davis.

Stopping China's Intellectual Property Theft: What Trump Can Learn From His Predecessors
By Robert Farley
Trump has taken a much harder line on Chinese IP violations than his predecessors.

China, US Fight Over China’s Market Economy Status
By Charlotte Gao
U.S. opposes China market economy status at WTO and launches ‘historic’ anti-dumping investigations against China.

China 'Urgently' Bans Foreign Trash Imports
By Charlotte Gao
The U.S. and Japan are the two biggest exporters of plastic waste to China.

China Defends Market Economy Hopes After EU Condemnation
By Peter Bittner
China wants market economy status at the WTO, but the European Union has its doubts.
India: A Late-Bloomer, Not a Latecomer, in Global Economic Leadership
By Akshay Mathur
In recent years, India has elevated its commitments to multilateral economic institutions.

Why the EU Should Grant China Market Economy Status
By Kerry Brown
Granting China market status is a political decision, not an economic one.

Does Kazakhstan’s WTO Accession Hinder Eurasian Integration?
By Catherine Putz
It’s not the only point of contention within the Eurasian Economic Union.