Xinjiang re-education centers

NYT Exposé Should Be the Tipping Point on China’s Abuse of Uyghurs
By Omer Kanat
The international community no longer has an excuse to stay silent. It must act.

Tracking Down the Fruits of Xinjiang’s Forced Labor Industry
By Juozapas Bagdonas
A few clicks reveals several U.S. companies are benefiting from China’s oppression of Muslims.

Cotton and Corporate Responsibility: Fighting Forced Labor in Xinjiang and Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
There are considerable differences with regard to forced labor in Uzbekistan and Xinjiang, but there is an underlying corporate responsibility to not engage in human rights abuses.

What Happens When the Uyghurs Come Home?
By Ruth Ingram
Social media is starting to convey some signs of life from Xinjiang’s disappeared.

Rival Camps Clash Over Xinjiang at UN Committee Session
By Shannon Tiezzi
Once again, the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is the site of dueling narratives on the Xinjiang crackdown.

2 Ethnic Kazakhs from China Granted Asylum-Seeker Status in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
But like Sayragul Sauytbay before them, Murager Alimuly and Qaster Musakhanuly may not ultimately find asylum in Kazakhstan.

Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses
By Naz El-Khatib and Ashley Wood
Trump’s obsession with “strength” at the expense of human rights has been a defining feature of his views on China.

The Trump Administration Needs Policies to Match its Xinjiang Criticism
By Lucille Greer
China is capitalizing on global apathy toward anti-Muslim bigotry led by the president of the United States.

What’s the Price of Freedom? Kazakh Activist Accepts Plea Deal
By Catherine Putz
Serikzhan Bilash was released with a fine and a promise to end his activism for ethnic Kazakhs detained in China.

The Case for Boycotting Beijing 2022
By Evan Karlik
The mass internment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang merits a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Bearing Witness 10 Years On: The July 2009 Riots in Xinjiang
By Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga
Even as a foreign tourist, the scale of the 2009 crackdown in Xinjiang was evident.

Which Countries Are For or Against China's Xinjiang Policies?
By Catherine Putz
Last week, two coalitions sent competing letters to the UN Human Rights Council criticizing or backing China's Xinjiang policies.